Femina Hip Yatambuliwa kwa Kuipambania Hedhi Salama

Siku maridhawa ya Mei 18, 2024,
Inaingia katika kumbukumbu kama siku ambayo shirika Femina Hip lilitambuliwa kwa tuzo maalum kwa juhudi zake za kuipambania hedhi salama. Ilikuwa jijini Dar es Salaam katika gala ya kuvutia iliyoandaliwa na taasisi ya Her Movement Tanzania ambapo juhudi za Taasisi ya Femina Hip zilipongezwa kwa mchango wake wa dhati katika kuelimisha jamii kuhusu afya ya hedhi.
Gala hiyo ilikutanisha wadau muhimu kutoka katika mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali, wataalamu wa afya, na wanaharakati wa kijamii, wote wakilenga kusukuma mbele agenda ya ufahamu kuhusu afya ya hedhi nchini Tanzania. Kutambuliwa kwa Femina Hip kwa kupewa Cheti cha Shukrani kulikuwa ishara ya heshima kwa kazi yake ya kujitolea katika kueneza mwanga katika eneo hili muhimu la afya ya jamii.
Hafla hii haikuwa tu kuhusu kupongezana, ilikuwa pia fursa ya kipekee ya kubadilishana mawazo, kushirikishana uzoefu, na kuzidi kuimarisha mikakati ya pamoja. Lengo lilikuwa dhahiri: kuhakikisha kila msichana anafikiwa na elimu na huduma za afya ya hedhi salama.
Kwa kushirikiana na wadau wengine, Femina Hip ilionyesha ujasiri wake na dhamira ya dhati ya kuleta mabadiliko chanya katika jamii. Kupokea heshima hii kulisindikizwa na ahadi ya Femina Hip ya kudumisha azma yake ya kuendelea kufanya kazi kwa bidii. Cheti hicho cha Heshima, kilipokelewa na Mary Mbago, ambaye ni mmoja wa wasichana wanaounda timu ya Nguvu ya Binti, timu maalum kabisa ndani ya Femina Hip ambayo inaongoza na kusimamia masuala yote ya Hedhi Salama katika shirika. "Tunashukuru sana heshima hii. Tunaahidi kuendelea na jitihada hizi kwa nguvu na ari mpya, tukilenga kufikia malengo ya pamoja ya kuwa na jamii yenye ufahamu zaidi na afya bora zaidi kwa kila mmoja wetu." alisema Mary.
Femina Hip imekuwa mstari wa mbele kwa miaka mingi kutoa elimu kwa vijana na walezi wao juu ya hedhi, ikilenga kujenga mazingira ambayo yanaondoa unyanyapaa, kumwezesha binti kuhudhuria masomo bila vikwazo wanapokuwa hedhi, na kuwajengea vijana, wasichana kwa wavulana, uthubutu na hamasa ya kutumia rasilimali walizonazo kutatua changamoto za hedhi katika maeneo wanayoishi. Pamoja na jarida la Fema, Femina Hip imefanya mafunzo ya vitendo juu ya hedhi salama katika shule nyingi nchini. Hakuna kulala, ni kazi kazi, mpaka kieleweke.
Femina Hip Recognised for Advocating Safe Menstruation The memorable day of May 18, 2024, will be recorded as the day when the organisation Femina Hip was acknowledged with a special award for its efforts in advocating for safe menstruation. It was in Dar es Salaam at an impressive gala organised by the Her Movement Tanzania, where Femina Hip's efforts were applauded for its sincere contribution to educating the community about menstrual health.
The gala brought together key stakeholders from non-governmental organisations, health professionals, and social activists, all aiming to advance awareness about menstrual health in Tanzania. Femina Hip's appreciation with a Certificate of Recognition was a sign of honour for its dedicated work in spreading enlightenment in this critical area of public health.
The event was not just about accolades; it was also a unique opportunity for exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, and further strengthening collaborative strategies. The objective was clear: to ensure every girl has access to education and safe menstrual "Taasisi hii nimeanza kuifahamu tangu nikiwa mdogo na nilikuwa nikipata mafunzo mengi ya afya, ikiwemo hedhi, kupitia jarida lao la Fema," alisema Dr. Hortencia Nuhu, Mkurugenzi wa Her Movement wakati akikabidhi cheti hicho. "Kiukweli, wanastahili kupewa tuzo hii kwa kazi nzuri ya kuelimisha vijana ili wakue katika misingi bora ya kuzijenga ndoto zao." health services.
Working alongside other stakeholders, Femina Hip demonstrated its courage and genuine commitment to bringing about positive change in society.
I have known this institution since I was young and I used to receive a lot of health education, including about menstruation, through their Fema magazine," said Dr. Hortencia Nuhu, Director of Her Movement, while presenting the certificate. "Indeed, they deserve this award for their excellent work in educating young people to grow on solid foundations to pursue their dreams.
Receiving this honour was accompanied by Femina Hip's pledge to maintain its dedication to this mission. The Certificate of Recognition was received by Mary Mbago, one of the girls who make up the Girl Power team, a special team within Femina Hip that leads and oversees all matters related to Safe Menstruation in the organisation. "We are very grateful for this honour. We promise to continue these efforts with renewed vigour and determination, aiming to achieve the shared goals of a more aware and healthier community," said Mary.
Femina Hip has been at the forefront for many years in providing education to young people and their caregivers about menstruation, aiming to create an environment that eliminates stigma, enables girls to attend school without hindrance when they are menstruating, and instills courage and motivation in young people, both girls and boys, to use the resources they have to solve menstrual challenges in their communities. Alongside the Fema magazine, Femina Hip has conducted practical training on safe menstruation in many schools across the country. No slowing down; it's work until the goals are achieved.
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